Mothers’ Group

Catholic mothers who are disciples of Christ

Alternate Fridays, 11am - 1pm
Verbum Dei Missionaries, Singapore

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On alternate Friday mornings from 11am to 1 pm, we offer this time for mothers a time of praying with the Scripture and Faith Sharing. This group is open to all mothers who are keen to take a break from the busy-ness of life in order to spend quality time with God.

In this small community that is made up of Catholic mothers, the women are led by a Verbum Dei missionary to be mothers rooted in the Word to share the faith and strengthen in their following of Christ. Thus, as women of faith, these mothers can in turn build up Catholic families that can help others to live the values of the Gospel.

Every Advent and Lent, the Verbum Dei Missionaries conduct a 2-days retreat based on Scripture as a preparation for the celebrations of Christmas and Easter.


  • To lead mothers to grow in their faith and love for God through connecting with Him through His Word
  • To encourage sharing of faith among one another
  • To bring the values of the gospel to the families

Suitable for:

  • Mothers
  • Soon-to-be new mothers


  • Preaching of the Word
  • Silent time to pray with the Word of God
  • Sharing of faith among mothers


Carolyn Tong

What really draws me to Mothers’ group is the connection I feel to the other mothers even when I don’t them personally. I think I feel it acutely because as a stay home mum, my life really revolves around my family so much so that it sometimes consumes my life and attending Mothers’ group gives me the guidance and perspective I need. I always feel I take back so much from each session. Sisters Maria Jose and Leticia are ever encouraging and enlightening as they break the word, often in the context of our roles as mothers and wives, making it very meaningful and relevant in our daily lives. It is also an opportunity for personal self-reflection which I honestly don’t do enough of and it has helped me know myself better and to discern God’s purpose in my life. The beautiful heartfelt sharings of fellow mothers about their personal struggles are edifying. I have grown so much learning from their struggles, at the same time, been inspired by their faith journeys. Attending sessions is truly food for my soul, each time an opportunity to understand myself better and grow closer to God.

I pray that God will continue bless our Verbum Dei missionaries so that they will continue to touch more lives and spread God’s love throughout the community and beyond.

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