School of the Word

Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move 1/4: Baptized and Sent: I am a mission, always

by Sr. Monika

Baptized and Sent: I am a mission, always by Sr. Monika

// Passages:
After all the people had been baptized and Jesus also had been baptized, and was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”
Lk 3:21-22

“Celebrating this month will help us first rediscover the missionary dimension of our faith in Jesus Christ…

This missionary mandate touches us personally: I am a mission, always; you are a mission, always; every baptized man and woman is a mission. People in love never stand still: they are drawn out of themselves; they are attracted and attract others in turn; they give themselves to others and build relationships that are life-giving. As far as God’s love is concerned, no one is useless or insignificant. Each of us is a mission to the world, for each of us is a fruit of God’s love. Even if parents can betray their love by lies, hatred and infidelity, God never takes back his gift of love…

This divine life is…a treasure to be given, communicated and proclaimed: that is the meaning of mission.”
2019 World Mission Sunday Message (Pope Francis)

// Reflection:
How am I called to be a mission?

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